GTFS data is used in a wide variety of applications.
Trip Planning
Google Maps is one of the primary GTFS-consuming applications for trip planning. Data is integrated with Google Maps via the Transit Partners Program, after which a trip planner form can be integrated into a transit agency webpage to help people to find transit directions
Other trip planning applications also use GTFS data, such as OpenTripPlanner, Transit App, Apple Maps, and Bing Maps.
Timetable Creation
Create a printed list of the agency’s Schedule in a timetable format for use on a website. Trillium can help turn your GTFS into HTML.
Interactive Maps
Provide graphic visualizations of transit Routes, Stops, and Schedule data. Trillium can help turn your GTFS into an Interactive Map.
Planning Analysis
Use GTFS to assist transit professionals in assessing the current or planned transit network. Trillium can help with Strategic Planning.
Real-time Transit Information
Many applications use GTFS data along with a real-time information source to provide estimated arrival information to transit riders, such as Swiftly.
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