This is Part 3 of 5 in Trillium Transit's Get Started Tutorial for managing your GTFS with GTFS Manager. Go to Part 1
Step 1: Navigate to the Routes Dashboard
From the agency dashboard (Get Started Part 1) click on Routes. You can always get back to the agency dashboard by clicking on your agency name at the top of the screen.
Step 2: Click on a Route's Pattern's Link
Pick a Route that runs near where you put your new Stop. If not sure, any Route will do. The Patterns link is to the right of the Route's name in the Route list.
Step 3: Select the First Pattern in your List
Depending on the complexity of your GTFS, there may be a LOT of Patterns, or just a few. Patterns represent the variations in your Route, such as weekday and weekend service differences. For this tutorial, simply pick the first one in the list and click its Label (name.)
Step 4: Insert Stop into Pattern
You are now looking at a list of all the Stops serviced in that Pattern. It might be a few, or it might be a lot. There are no times associated with these Stops; this is just the list of Stops in the order they are served.
Hover between Stops 2 and 3 so a blue arrow appears. Click the arrow to bring up the insert Stop dialog. Type in the name of your new Stop and select Insert.
You've added a new Stop to one Stop Pattern in a Route. Notice that the green pins along the lefthand side of the Stop list have turned red before and after your new Stop. This is indicating that you would normally need to create an Alignment between those stops and your new Stop. For this tutorial, that will not be necessary. You can learn more about Alignments here.
Step 5: Undo Your Stop Insert
Since we do not want to affect your GTFS, let's go ahead and undo that Stop insert.
Your Stop list should go back to the way it was.
Note: At this time, you can go back to the Stop from the Stop Dashboard (Get Started Part 2) and delete that Stop as well. Learn how to delete a Stop.
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