This is an add-on feature for GTFS Manager. To learn more about Transit Alerts, email
To create a new Transit Alert, select New Alert from the Transit Alerts Dashboard.
There are four elements to a Transit Alert:
- Details - Name, Type, Dates
- Routes - Which Routes are affected (if any)
- Stops - Which Stops are affected (if any)
- Save & Enable - Turning the Alert on and off
Title: This is the public-facing, top-level name of this Alert. Make this concise and easy to digest for riders.
Start Time: The date and time this Alert should begin to be shown on the associated Routes and Stops.
End Time: The date and time this Alert should cease to be shown on the associated Routes and Stops.
Description: Public-facing description of the Alert. Use Cause and Effect whenever possible, and use Description to provide additional information as needed.
Cause: What is causing the need for the Alert?
Effect: How is service being affected by this Alert?
See what each Alert type looks like on Google Maps.
URL: Link to more details or context for the Alert.
Sample Alert Detail
Once complete, select the Routes button at the bottom to move onto the next section.
Transit Alerts can be any of the following:
- Systemwide, either all Routes and certain Stops, or all Routes and all Stops
- Per-Route, if only 1 or more Routes are affected, but not all Routes.
- Per-Stop, if only 1 or more Stops are affected, but not all Stops.
- Combination Per-Route, Per-Stop, where a specific combinations of Routes and Stops are affected.
From Routes, first determine if only certain Routes are affected, or all Routes are affected (Stops are managed in the next menu.)
If only a certain Direction of a Route is affected, that is managed on the next menu.
Use Select all and Deselect all to speed up the process as needed.
Click Stops at the bottom of the Routes list, or from the tab above the Routes list.
All Stops on the affected Routes will automatically be selected unless otherwise specified. Additionally, Stops not on selected Routes can also still be added to the Alert.
Note: Stops serviced in both Directions will select/unselect when added/removed from one Direction.
Additional Stops may be added from the bottom of the screen, below the Stops on each affected Route.
Save & Enable Alert
Once the Alert Details, Routes, and Stops have been addressed, the Alert can be either Saved (for future use, without enabling) or Enabled (which will turn the Alert on at the Start Time in the Details.)
Note: Saving without enabling means the Alert will not go live when the Start Date is reached. Enabling does not turn the Alert "on" until the Start Date.
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